Is Your Daily Starbucks Costing You a Fortune? Discover the True Price of Your Morning Coffee
Mar 14, 2024
1 min read
The morning alarm goes off signaling another long day of work and chores. Some days the only thing that motivates you to get out of bed is your morning coffee run. A Starbucks a day at $5/ cup does not seem to be much. The joy that it brings seems worth the price! After a while it almost becomes as essential as your daily breakfast. It brings you joy; it gets you out of bed and gives you something to look forward to in your morning. Your daily coffee adds up to only $150/ month and $1800 per year. Not much. Right? Let’s say this is only 3% of your monthly expense. This seems like a small percentage, doesn’t it?
Consider this: only 15% of employees contribute more than 3% to their 401K. Imagine redirecting that coffee money into a retirement account instead. Over 10 years, you could potentially accumulate around $32,000, and in 20 years, your savings could grow to over $240,000 if invested in the S&P 500. Now, I’m not suggesting you kill the joy in your life by giving up your daily Starbucks or any other habit that brings you happiness. But you might feel differently if you know what you are giving up? Maybe it’s time to find something else that gets you out of bed each morning….